Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tonight we are in Winnipeg.  It is the first day we left on time and arrived without anything weird happening.  The weather had been nearly perfect for cycling, a slight overcast and temperatures in the 70's.  However, considering there was probably a 15+ mph headwind most of the day, I'm glad we were in the car.

We have changed our plans slightly. The beauty of a loosely planned trip with no fixed schedule is that it is easy to do.

Because it is more interesting and it better facilitates visiting with Cathy's friends and relatives, we have changed the beginning of the bike portion. Instead of starting in Baudette, MN and riding 107 miles to Bemidji, we are going to International Falls from where I will cycle 94 mi to Britt, MN. This puts us near the first people to visit. From there, I will bike 77 mi, mostly on the Iron Range Railway/Mesabi trail, to Grand Rapids, MN which is on the MRT. THEN we drive to Lake Itasca after another visit with relatives on that side of the state.    
Once done with visiting we start at the headwaters and follow the trail to NAWLEANS (New Orleans to Northwesterners).

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